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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the financial situation of hospitals and healthcare providers. The hospitals needed to implement emergency plans at short notice. Both increasing the admission capacity and increasing the capacity of the intensive care unit result in considerable additional costs.

In addition, non-essential care was postponed on several occasions, resulting in less revenue for the hospital and the related providers through fee for service payment and fixed fees.

For this reason, the federal government decided in 2020 to foresee financial compensation for hospitals and healthcare providers. To this end, advances totalling €2 billion were disbursed to general and psychiatric hospitals.

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The aim of granting the advances was to support the hospitals in meeting their financial obligations, i.e. paying active staff members as well as paying invoices from suppliers and service providers on time.

The ‘fixed fee’ contributions were intended to provide support for the following

  • Exceptional costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Recurring costs
  • Additional activities of care providers
  • Costs due to the requirement to make a percentage of capacity available
    for COVID-19 care


The definitive funding will be calculated in 2023 taking into account the actual impact of COVID-19 on each hospital, and will be calculated and paid out in a collaboration between the FPS HSFCE and the NIHDI.


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Find out more about the specific rules for the disbursement of funding (Dutch and French only):

A staff member working in a general or psychiatric hospital between 1 September and 30 November 2020 is entitled to a one-off incentive payment of €985 gross[1]. In addition, as compensation for the COVID efforts made, care staff from the federal sector (including hospitals, district health centres, home nursing services, etc.) are also entitled to consumption vouchers worth €300 per person that can be used in the catering and events sector[2].


 Find out more about federal support for hospitals (Dutch and French only):



[2]Source: Royal Decree of 22/12/2020 laying down the funding and arrangements for introducing a solidarity bonus in the federal healthcare sectors